This is not a bad season for self-employment

Not long ago this was going to be impossible again due to the standard economic calculations. I was screwed, it wasn’t going to work, there were too many valleys in the roller coaster ride, the whole Idea was going to crash.

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s help for every corporate gang of thieves, welfare for everyone who needs to recover from something and hand-outs on every corner because the garbage company no longer picks up “whatever” on every trip.

In the middle of it all, I’m lucky to even prove my identity, which I have recently accomplished, and that’s one hell of a starting point down the road to being denied the use of Food Assistance which used to be food stamps but is now a plastic debit card.

Having become as cynical as I think I can get, when I hit the most recent hard patch I decided to attack it and slash its throat because I “can” and almost all the dues I’ll ever owe any stranger have already been paid.

Leaving out the middle part, which you are SUPPOSED to be reading daily with fascination, it worked. I have money in the bank today. It just got there last night, and I am not able to tell yet if it is sticking around, but I have more money in the bank than many BANKS have in the bank, depending upon your accounting system.

If they would just obligingly rope me into universal health care that I cannot afford now (I am your Uninsured Enemy), I believe I have the so-called system snookered some three or four years before I intended to accomplish that.

Stay tuna’d-eventually I may feel inclined to share the how-to’s.

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Twenty-five years of Internet social marketing

One thought on “This is not a bad season for self-employment”

  1. [quoth earlier]I have money in the bank today. It just got there last night, and I am not able to tell yet if it is sticking around[/quoth earlier]

    Well, THAT lasted a long time. We now learn I have smashed yet another lovely glass lamp shade in transit to someplace which results in a $200 cash flow disruption. Not total calamity, mind you, because HA HA HA HA HA HA I bought insurance but I still can’t bash the accounting department over the head and make them cover it all until the insurance kicks in….

    eBay has made the entire insurance question a non-question between buyer and seller and we’ll know quite soon now if that makes a procedural difference of some kind (nice test).

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