Lou And Friends Annual Fall Outdoor Sale That We’ve Never Had Before

You know those outdoor sales we’ve had in the past at Lou’s Antiques in Storm Lake? Ok, maybe you didn’t and it’s actually the purpose of this post to inform you.

We’ve had a few in summers past. They’re fun. It’s a multiparty thing with a handful of regular vendors, yours truly included, and Lou puts her whole store on sale. Lots of collectibles, antiques, usually some live plants, some jewelry, some crocks, that kind of thing.

The stuff I bring has been largely records but I may refocus that this year due to personal circumstances that are rapidly changing. More about that later probably, and there will still be some records, but this time I also have some nice items from an estate that hasn’t even really come onto the market yet.

Anyway, I can’t get the damned Facebook Events thing to cooperate. I can’t figure out how to set the time and the date. This is not unusual for me and Facebook.

But do I really care? No, I don’t think I do. I know how to post stuff in the Facebook “garage sale groups” and all that, but I also have this fancy-dancy website of my own for which I pay perfectly big bucks so I can gently spam my customers.


To begin with, and more to follow, this year’s sale is late because stuff happened to several of us, and that date is now FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The address is 1403 E. Lakeshore Dr., Storm Lake.

Just getting this out there.