Orgy / Candyass 1998 promotional display flat

Orgy / Candyass flat front

Orgy / Candyass flat back
Realized $3.99 9/30/23
Realized $1.98 4/9/8

Korn / Self-Titled 1995 Epic promotional nfs flat used

Korn / Korn 1995 Epic promotional nfs flat used – $2.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Korn / Korn flat front

Korn / Korn flat back

Realized .99 12/11/16
Realized $3.83 2/24/9
Realized $5.98 4/9/6
Realized $6.99 3/11/6
Realized $6.94 2/28/6
Realized $10.25 12/2/5

Primer 55 / Introduction To Mayhem promo flat 2000

Primer 55 / Introduction To Mayhem promo flat 2000 – $3.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Primer 55 / Relative Ash flat front

Primer 55 / Relative Ash flat back

Realized $3.99 11/15/13

Dee Snider Widowmaker Twisted Sister promo postcard

Realized .99 11/17/16

Ramones / Adios Amigos promo postcard 1995

Realized .99 11/20/16

Hole / Live Through This 1994 Geffen Static Cling POS advertising

Realized $8.99 11/8/15

promo flat Ratt / 1999 Reunion

Ratt / Ratt 1999 Reunion Portrait Records promo flat – $3.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Ratt promo flat this side

Ratt promo flat other side

Realized .99 12/20/16
Sold 9/20/15

promo postcard Helloween Better Than Raw 1998

Helloween Postcard Front

Helloween Postcard Back

Realized .99 11/18/16