(The Next Album)
Full audio of show in three sets, includes banter and occasional technical pauses.
Hear sound check plus set one here:

(The Next Album)
Full audio of show in three sets, includes banter and occasional technical pauses.
Hear sound check plus set one here:
Some of our listeners prefer to hear “just the songs” from a performance and some folks would like to hear a stream that includes all the banter, tuning and gaps just as they occurred.
We can do that. Here’s Todd Partridge & Friends on Easter Sunday, 2023 two different ways:
Set One (complete): click here
Set Two (complete): click here
Set Three (complete): click here
Rainy Day Music Tip Jar:
Well, first of all, they’re not tapes, but you knew that.
They’re really lost, though.
We were there in plenty of time, which turned out to be wise, and I took the pole I sometimes use to record bands to get up in air somewhat away from the extraneous noise (talking).
But I had failed to consider the possibility that my sound card might fill up and stop working, which it did twice. There were a couple of other pole-bumping issues but right now I don’t know whether they impacted the recording.
Turns out, I may never know what happened because the Zoom recording device I use vanished somewhere along the line of the return trip.
Of course, that’s impossible, but it happened.
So have obtained audio from two other Byron’s tapers, just to fill in the gap because this was a spectacular show.
Cream Faith is: Kofi Baker, Ric Fierabracci, and Bobby Messano
Full Sets:
Individual tracks:
New software enables us to quickly upload full shows. This is three sets of Brandon Santini, Byron’s Bar, Pomeroy, IA, 2/26/32 PLUS a twenty minute encore. This is everything straight out of the recorder without any edits or track separation and will differ slightly from our future upload to Archive.