Brothers Burn Mountain defy categorization, and in many ways, you sort of have to be there, but here’s what’s possible to catch:

Brothers Burn Mountain defy categorization, and in many ways, you sort of have to be there, but here’s what’s possible to catch:
Ryan and Jesse Dermody, Duluth, Mn.
oops, ran out of storage, which is a pity, I kinda liked the blue light…..
“Rare Thing (partial)”
Ryan and Jesse Dermody, Duluth, Mn.
Brothers Burn Mountain Facebook Page
Full Show At Internet Archive:
Rainy Day Music Facebook Page:
Recording Notes: Zoom H2n in the “usual place” maybe 5′ from the stack, maybe 5′ high, gain set to 3, mics spread to -1, recorded as .wav but converted here for Internet use via, where we added just a snitch of stereo spread, added some lows and mids, additional mastering with Audacity for the fade and labels, and just a touch of reverb. Internet Archive files are .WAV, unaltered.