Everett Grist’s Big Book of Marbles by Everett Grist

Realized $21.50 2/12/6

18 x 24 Sausage / Riddles Abound Tonight (Primus) poster 1994

sausage poster

Realized $3.98 2/8/6

Boldt Motor Calumet Iowa Case Tractor Letterhead

Realized $22.18 2/8/6

(Boldt Motor Co. was from Calumet, Iowa)

23″ 1990 Tonka Hulk Hogan Plush WWF Wrestling Buddy

Realized $20.00 2/7/6

Camel’s Classic Book Of Magic reprint of 1933 edition

Realized $1.96 2/7/6

Original 1938 Ford Sales Brochure Catalog

Realized $8.98 2/6/6

Red Wing Rare 5″ Sponge Paneled Bowl

Realized $350.00 2/5/6

Goldmine Magazine 307 May 1, 1992 Yoko Ono solo recording

Goldmine 307

Realized $1.99 2/5/6