(I probably also wish I were working on my taxes)
While the clock ticks, I need to decide how to react to eBay’s new pricing structure and present balancing of their site, taking place now.
Without running through the math here, it looks on paper like the best thing for me to do would be to upgrade to the Premium Store (or nomenclature just like that), which is fifty dollars a month. In exchange for that I get all kinds of stuff.
However, in exchange for LESS than that, I can get all kinds of stuff in other places.
One of those other places, Amazon, is easier to use, at least through the process of listing media.
One of them, Ruby Lane, is more tasteful.
One of them, my own site, affords me the most control.
That’s where the issues are: control. eBay deconstructed the “flea market” at least a couple of years ago now, and “flea market” was one of the things that was so cute about me. Now they’re Costco, and I’m not.
Then they beat up the sellers, assuring the shoppers of a good time. I survived that with flying colors only to get bruised over weird stuff like encouraging gambling and illegal activities by selling Coke Rewards Point codes and used High Times Magazines with articles about Jerry Garcia.
The management I originally admired is running for Governor Of California. The Community people I knew are gone. I’m not a Category Voice anymore.
The forward momentum that I enjoy at eBay due to my sterling reputation there does count still in one category: Antiques. They haven’t found a way to slaughter the Antiques auctions yet, and my bread and butter is in there.
Yes, the Premium store looks nice with the bargain Fixed Price rates that are going to be as searchable as they once were before the “rebalance”, but um, the Store Format is irrelevant to that Antiques business.
I don’t have an easy decision to make here, and it’s pretty rarified territory. It’s times like these that I miss the Board Of Directors I’ve never had.