Promo Flat Marilyn Manson / Holywood 2000 Nothing

Buy It Here

Marilyn Manson / Holywood flat front

Marilyn Manson / Holywood flat back

Realized .99 12/12/16
Realized $4.99 9/5/9

High Times Magazine Back Issue 262 June 1997

High Times 262

Realized $2.99 10/9/10 @ The Thingery Store

High Times Magazine Back Issue 263 July 1997

Light discoloration top and left edges of front cover, exposure to elements of some kind, same kind of disturbance back cover right side.

Spawn : The Album movie soundtrack promo flat 1997 Sony

Spawn : The Album movie soundtrack promo flat 1997 Sony – $3.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Spawn flat front

Spawn Flat back

Realized $3.83 7/31/10
Realized $3.83 10/4/9
Realized $2.63 4/11/8

Alice In Chains / Nothing’s Safe promo flat 1999

Alice In Chains / Nothing's Safe flat front

Alice In Chains / Nothing's Safe flat back

Realized $4.99 8/21/10
Realized $4.97 7/23/10
Realized $3.99 3/16/10
Realized $3.83 2/21/10
Realized $3.83 8/19/9
Realized $3.83 1/8/9
Realized $3.94 3/16/8

Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 2000 Warner Promo 12″ Flat

Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 2000 Warner Promo 12 Flat – $2.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Realized $3.99 8/15/18
Realized $3.83 9/16/10

Mushroomhead / XX promo flat

Mushroomhead / XX promo flat Eclipse 2001 – $3.99 : Thingery Shopping, PayPal Spoken Here

Mushroomhead flat front

Realized .99 11/22/16
Realized $3.83 8/3/10
Realized $3.83 3/25/10
Realized $4.98 12/6/7
Realized $2.95 11/6/7
Realized $4.99 7/16/7
Realized $10.33 6/12/7

High Times Magazine Back Issue March 1998 vol 271

High Times March 1998

Magazine back issue, High Times, March 1998, 114 pages, promises “Organic Indoor Cultivation, Spring Planting: An Outdoor Guide To: Seed, Soil, Light, Clones, Feeding, Harvesting, Pest Control, Big Trouble In Black Mesa, Spring Break Bedlam, Buds, Beer, And Bikinis In Cancun”.

Condition Of The Thing:
Gently handled, complete, small storage traumas at corners, microscopic scuffs.

Sold $2.99 8/5/10