One Man’s Junk / Greener Grass Chad Elliott & Catharine Elliott 1999 CD

greener grass
1999 release
greener grass 2
inside liner notes
greener grass cd
back liner notes

Here’s perhaps a little-known fact……. my son Dan did the photography for this album (see liner notes).

It’s not a Chad Elliott album, but it’s Chad Elliott.

Rainy Day Music Raindrop

Weary Ramblers, Double Album Release Party 10/26/24

Chad Elliott, Kathryn Severing Fox, Bryan Vanderpool, Stephy Graham, Elliott Art Studio, Jefferson, IA 10/26/24, double album release party.

Set 1
Set 2

The Haymakers (Wichita Kansas) Live At Legendary Byron’s Bar 10/20/24

poster by Dave Hearn

The Haymakers are: Dustin Arbuckle, vocals & harmonica, Caleb Drummond, bass, and Tom Page, guitar & vocals.

We had a bit of a disaster in the third set when the video recorder went down (issue with the power supply) and we’ve finished that set with stills & audio from the audio recorder for two songs, and then video from our phone for the remainder.

rainy day rain drop
recording by RDM