Tobacciana Cigarette Advertising Box Cutters Lot 7

Cigarette Advertising Box Cutters Lot of 7

Cigarette Advertising Box Cutter Lot 2

Realized $12.97 6/15/13

Dixie Chicks / Fly promotional flat 1999 1 1/2 size

Dixie Chicks Flat Front

Dixie Chicks Flat Back
Promotional card stock color advertising flat, approximately 12″ square, with these characteristics:

Artist/Album: Dixie Chicks / Fly
Produced By: Monument Records
Year: 1999
Format: Single 12″ x 12″ piece plus half-sized tab, printed two sides

Condition: No holes, cuts, tape, but various shallow dents and some separation of the perforated part, good color and sheen.

Realized $3.99 5/16/22 eCrater

Dylan, Bob / Good As I Been To You promotional flat 1992

Buy It Here

Dylan Good As I Been flat front

Dylan Good As I Been flat back

Sold 9/20/15